Tea — Atera

Atera's Tea Program

From leaves hand picked off a single 350 year old tea tree in the Phoenix Mountains to a shu pu-erh aged twenty years in bamboo, Atera provides guests with a selection of tea that is rare, intriguing to the senses, and representative of the major tea producing regions of the world.  We're excited to offer hand processed leaves that rarely leave their country of origin and are available in limited quantities.  With our finest tea leaves, we offer Gong-Fu Cha tea service with leaves imported to North America from In Pursuit of Tea and Camellia Sinensis.

Our tea and tisane program is spearheaded by Jeffrey Ruiz, who tastes through hundreds of teas studying the nuances that the tea plant offers as well as its storied history as the most drank beverage in the world (after water).  We look forward to steeping a little taste for you on your next visit and sharing what this amazing plant can express.

Long Jing - Zhejian Province, China
‘Spring Fortune’ - Taoyuan County, Taiwan
‘Oriental Beauty’ - Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Shi Ru Xiang Wuyi Yancha - Fujian Province, China
Phoenix ‘Honey Orchid’ - Guangdong Province, China
1989 Bamboo Aged Shu Pu-erh - Yunnan Province, China
Darjeeling First Flush, Goomtee Estate, West Bengal, India
Darjeeling Second Flush - Jungpana Estate, West Bengal, India
Earl Grey - Ratnapura District, Sri Lanka
Matcha and Tencha - Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

Rooibos - South Africa
Peppermint - Oregon
Lemon Verbena - Morocco
Chamomile - Saco, Maine

For information on Atera's Coffee Program, click here.

1989 Bamboo Aged Shu Pu-erh

1989 Bamboo Aged Shu Pu-erh

Tea service at Atera. Photo courtesy of Chad McQuay.

Tea service at Atera. Photo courtesy of Chad McQuay.